
AÇAI Common name: Naidi, Murrapo, Asai (Euterpe Precatoria) Origin: Wild harvest, natural rainforests in Guaviare department, Colombian Amazon Region. Ver todos los frutos The Açai palm produces its great dark purpled berry and is one of the most known healthy fruits because of its high amounts of antioxidant and Omega oils presence. Nutritional Facts Nutrient Unit Value ... Read more

Camu Camu

CAMU CAMU Common name: Camu camu, Caçari or Arazá water (Myrciaria Dubia McVaugh) Origin: Wild harvest, natural rainforests in Amazon department, Colombian Amazon Region. See all fruits This fruit is considered an important antioxidant source by its high vitamin C content and its interesting anthocyanins content. In addition, it has a high amount of potassium. Nutritional Facts ... Read more


ARAZÁ Common name: Araza, Guava Brazilian Araça-boi, Peruvian Guava. (Eugenia Stipitata McVaugh) Origin: Agroforest crops in southern department of Caquetá and Northern Guaviare, Colombian Amazon Region. See all fruits Its principal feature is its high pro-vitamin A content, vitamin A precursor. It also has a high number of minerals, carbohydrates and vitamin C content. The fruit has ... Read more


COPOAZÚ Common name: Copoazú, Copoaçu, Cacau, Cupuaçu, Legs (Theobroma Grandiflorum) Origin: Agroforest crops in southern department of Caquetá, Colombian Amazon Region. See all fruits The copoazú seeds have less content of fats than common cacao and additionally it has a greater amount of linoleic acid. Nutritional Facts Nutrient Unit Value %DV/ 100g FRUIT Energy / Calories Kcal ... Read more


COROZO Nombre común: Lata, Píritu, Güis, Coyol o Uvita (Bactris guineensis) Origen: Se encuentra en las zonas secas de las costas del Caribe y Pacífico en Colombia. Son endémicas en el bosque seco tropical. See all Fruits “Fruto comestible con varios beneficios, tiene un sabor dulce y ligeramente ácido. Además, cuenta con excelentes propiedades medicinales, ... Read more